A Science-based Career Coach in your Pocket.
Access to Career Coaching for Everyone.
We all run into challenges at work, often starting small, but if we do not deal with them, they can become big and demotivate us or even make us look for new opportunities. Not anymore! You can now reach out to *Angela, on WhatsApp, at any time, with all your challenges, and she will guide you through and keep your conversation confidential. 🤫
You can contact *Angela via WhatsApp, she is always there to support you! Technology allows us to make her coaching on-demand and adjusted to what you need.
*Angela pulls together content from hundreds of resources to provide you with actionable advice from leading scientists worldwide. She is trained to provide you with what you need, but don’t be afraid to challenge her! 😉
We know you can’t always reveal to your colleagues or boss how you feel or what is happening. That is why *Angela provides you with a safe space, where nothing you say will be shared with anyone. She only uses it to understand and support you and your peers.
As *Angela has conversations with hundreds of people just like you, she will start seeing trends: shared drivers and needs. Without connecting it to any of her individual conversations, she can guide your employer on how to create better environments for people to thrive.
Increased Engagement & Retention for Employers.
Organisations and its leaders often see low returns on their recruitment efforts and hard skills training, and low absorption of talent into the their workforce. They don’t have the ability to provide the costly high-touch interactions needed to keep their employees engaged and thriving. *Angela can solve this challenge! Provide your employees with access on-demand Ai Career Coaching and provide yourself with access to key insights on how to increase engagement and retention on an operational level. 💪
We know most business leaders find Gen Z the hardest generation to work with. They want coaching and mentoring to hone crucial social skills, and their brains have been wired for immediate feedback. *Angela is your opportunity to really understand them, serve them and provide an environment in which they can thrive.
Issues which can be early signs of anxiety or depression, or challenges that can lead to mental and physical health issues or general dissatisfaction and disengagement can be addressed by *Angela as they occur to the individual, far before they lead to escalation.
Because *Angela is there at the first signals, reporting on actionable trends does not lag months behind on the issues and can address the root causes of wellbeing, dissatisfaction and disengagement issues.